Departmen of Agribusiness

There are 132 lecturers in the Faculty of Economics and Management, 42.86 percent of them have doctoral degrees from both local and overseas universities. Fifty-three point three nine percent have master degrees and 3.76 have a bachelor degree. Most of the lecturers with a master or bachelor degree are in the middle of their education to obtain their doctoral or master degree in both local and overseas universities, majoring in relevant studies in order to support their respective department’s mandate in the Faculty of Economics and Management. Based on their positions, there are 11 professors and 7 emeritus professors, 27 associate professors, 29 senior lecturers, 36 lecturers, 23 assistants.

Lukman Mohammad Baga

Dwi Rachmina

Eva Yolynda Aviny


Rita Nurmalina

Siti Jahroh

Tintin Sarianti

Full Name
1 Amzul Rifin Dr. SP, MA
2 Andriyono Kilat Adhi Dr.Ir.
3 Anita Primaswari Widhiani SP, M.Si
4 Anita Ristianingrum Ir. M.Si
5 Anna Fariyanti Dr.Ir. M.Si
6 Arif Karyadi Uswandi SP
7 Burhanuddin Ir. MM
8 Dr. Ir. M.Si
9 Etriya SP, MM
10 S.P, M.M
11 Febriantina Dewi SE, MM
12 SP, M.Si
13 Harianto Dr.Ir. MS
14 Harmini Ir. M.Si
15 Iman Firmansyah Drs. M.Si
16 Joko Purwono Ir. MS
17 Juniar Atmakusuma Ir. MS
18 Lukman Muhammad Baga Ir. MAE
19 Lusi Fausia Ir. M.Ec
20 Maryono Komir SP, M.Sc
21 Narni Farmayanti Ir. M.Sc
22 Netti Tinaprilla Ir. MM
23 Nunung Kusnadi Dr.Ir. MS
24 Popong Nurhayati Ir. MM
25 Rachmat Pambudy Dr.Ir. MS
26 Rahmat Yanuar SP, M.Si
27 Ratna Winandi Dr.Ir. MS
28 Prof.Dr.Ir. MS
29 Rr. Heny Kuswanti Suwarsinah Dr.Ir. M.Ec
30 Dr. B.Sc, M.Sc
31 Suharno Dr.Ir. M.Adev.
32 Suprehatin S.P, M.ABuss
33 SP, MM
34 Wahyu Budi Priatna Ir. M.Si
35 Y. Bayu Krisnamurthi Dr.Ir. MS
36 Yanti Nuraeni Muflikh SP, M.ABuss
37 Yeka Hendra Fatika S.P.
38 Yusalina Dra. M.Si