During the eight years of its existence, FEM has passed 1,074 Economic Bachelors (SE), 30 of them Cum Laude, 736 Very Satisfactory, and 308 Satisfactory. The average study duration is 48 months (4 years). The average GPA is 3.07, exceeding the target GPA set by IPB.

The study duration of students in the Faculty of Economics and Management is 4.5 years or 54 months. The number of students who graduated in less than 54 months from 2003/2004 until 2008/2009 has an increasing trend. In 2008/2009, it reached 93%, while the number graduates with a GPA equal to or higher than 2.75 has also risen. In 2008/2009 254 and 225 students graduated with a GPA equal to or higher than 2.75.