To go to IPB Darmaga Campus


Soekarno Hatta Intl. Airport



old_go_nextold_go_nextBotani Square Bogor






1. From Soekarno-Hatta International Airport to Bogor (IPB International Convention Center (Botani Square):

Take DAMRI bus to Bogor City, the fare is about Rp 45.000,- (executive class) or Rp. 65.000 (Royal Class). The trip will take two to four Hours depending on the traffics. The DAMRI bus will stop at the bus station near Botani Square Mall where there is IICC (IPB International Convention Center), Santika Hotel, and the famous site in Bogor City “Tugu Kujang” (kujang monument). All are in walking range.


2. From IPB International Convention Center (Botani Square) to Bubulak terminal

There is three choices, to go to Bubulak terminal.

First Choice is take a cab/taxi, this can take you directly to the IPB Darmaga Campus.

Second choice is take “Trans Pakuan” a microbus transport, from Cidangiang shelter not far from there to Bubulak terminal shelter. the fare is Rp 3.000,-. This is more comfort from next choice.

Third choice is cross the bridge and take a walk about 200 m to the “Tugu Kujang” (Kujang Monument, you can see the monument on the right side when you cross the bridge) take the public transportation or known as “angkot” number 03 “Br. Siang – Bubulak” to Bubulak terminal, where from there you take 1 more trip with angkot. The fare is Rp 2.500,-

or    Angkot 03 Br. Siang-Bubulak


3. From Bubulak terminal to IPB Darmaga Campus

Angkot Kampus Dalam/CiampeaFrom here you take angkot again number 05 “Ciampea” but now the major color are blue, not green. This is the last trip that will take you to IPB Darmaga Campus. The fare is Rp 2.000,-



your goal is here..

1. The front Gate

IPB - Front Gate

2. The Rectorate Building (Gedung Andi Hakim Nasution)

IPB - Rectorate Building