IPB University has a variety of places for students to develop their interests and talents. The professional association is one place for students of IPB University to develop their potential in accordance with their respective scientific fields. Each department at IPB University generally has a student club, including the Department of Economics.

The Economics and Development Studies Student Club (Hipotesa) of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB University became a place for students of Economics to gain broader insights on professionalism and economics.

“The student club is the right place for students who want to hone their knowledge. A perfect place for students to get a variety of deeper knowledge about science, which in this case is economics. In Hipotesa, we can learn to study an economic problem and how to see things in an economic perspective. As a prospective economist, of course such sciences are very necessary. We also accommodate various interests of students, but one of the heart of the Hypothesis itself lies in the study,” said RM Daffa Muharram W as chairman of the FEM Hipotesa 2018/2019.

Hipotesa of IPB University has a special division that is tasked with conducting studies concerning economic phenomena that are currently becoming hot talk in the community. This study will then be published as an article. “Although there is one special division, but this division also conducts joint studies with other divisions as well. So Hipotesa members can learn how to do studies,” said Daffa.

The output of the study conducted by Hipotesa is not only in the form of articles. Hipotesa makes innovation in order to adjust to millennial behavior and the industrial revolution. The review is published in the form of articles, podcasts and videos. For articles, besides being available on the official page of the association, also have been published in several online news portals.

“The innovation carried out aims to expand the reach and increase the number of people who read, see, and hear the studies that have been made by Hipotesa. The branding study conducted by Hipotesa is continuously aimed at showing the public that IPB University has critical and competitive Economics students,” explained Daffa.

In addition to these reasons, Daffa explained that the expansion of the domain of publication studies conducted by Hipotesa intends to invite the public to be more open about the various economic phenomena. “In fact, the economy is one of the important sectors which is the basis of human life and almost every human action is related to the economy,” Daffa added. (NR ipb.ac.id)

Keywords: HIPOTESA, Study, Economy, economics, articles, economics


Published Date : 02-Dec-2019

Resource Person : Dr Arif Satria

Keyword : HIPOTESA, Study, Economy, economics, articles, economics

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