Vision Becoming a center of excellence in education, research, and development of civil society based on sharia principles, advocating sharia economics by international standard, and becoming a reference in supporting sustainable development.
Mission 1. Organizing sharia economics education to meet the society needs with excellent accreditation, both nationally and internationally.
2. Designing and encouraging research and development activities in sharia economics and its applied related to agriculture in a broad sense.
3. Participating actively in advocacy and socialization of sharia economics to society.
4. Developing institutional capacity of Faculty of Economics and Management IPB, especially in quality improvement and utilization of human resources.
1. To conduct high quality education fulfilling an excellent accreditation standard in Islamic Economic Major.
2. To conduct research and other academic activities to create beneficial ideas for national development policies in Islamic Economics.
3. To conduct training, disseminations of ideas and research, and to actively participate in education in Islamic Economics to the society.
4. To increase the quality of Human Resources in the Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Economics, Islamic Economics Program,  Bogor Agricultural University.
5. Produce graduates who have competence in accordance with the achievement of learning as follows

  • Be able to explain basic theories of Islamic Economics either Islamic Microeconomics or Islamic Microeconomics problem solutions and taking decision related to the economic development and society welfare.
  • Be able to apply and develop critical thinking of problem solutions related to Islamic law: Zakat, Development Economic, Islamic Public Policy, Financial Monetary and Islamic Business, and having analytic ability and adaptation in any situation.
  • Be able in taking alternative solution based on Islamic theory and analyzing either individual or group.
Undergraduate Sharia Economics (IES)

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